Pregnancy : 36.5 weeks

Pretty uneventful lately. Christmas was nice with all the Tuthills. I quickly made a scarf for Makayla that morning. She appeared to like it. We received some money and gift cards for baby stuff. Thankful for that so I can go buy some diapers and such.

Had my first cervix check earlier in the week. Nothing to report there, no dilation yet. Did have a small contraction while hooked up to monitor, which I didn’t feel. Baby was moving around at the same time so I’m not sure if That is why I didn’t notice.

I have an ultrasound later today to check measurements. Hopefully I can see his little face its been awhile. And maybe by next Tues appt we will have some dilation progress. Would certainly be awesome to meet this little one. Of course not getting my hopes up and am trying to be relaxed about it. I think he will be hanging on for a bit. But hopefully dr won’t make me wait a full three weeks and we can wrap this up in two. I have no more patience for work. 🙂

Pregnancy : 32 1/2 weeks

The last 2 weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster for me.  Nothing bad, really, but with the short week this week and 3 appointments last week, I feel I’ve been all over the place!  Kind of have really.  So going back to week 31, I had my first non-stress test and another growth scan to check baby weight and such.  The non-stress test is to put monitors on the belly to check baby movement and heartbeat.  Need to have so many movements in a specific time frame and they like to see variance in heartbeat rhythms.  So that went well and next day I met with our new pediatrician.  I didn’t really have a lot of questions to start out with, I’m sure more will come along.  But he is a very likable guy and I think baby will be in good hands.  Then the 3rd day of appointments was my next NST with my OB.  Again, fetal movement and heartbeat all good.  Dr A is very pleased with progress and thinks things are going very well.  So, of course I’m happy to hear that.  Especially cause I feel like I’ve been a REALLY bad eater lately.  I started off the majority of this pregnancy doing so well, making great food choices and frankly, I’ve become QUITE lazy.  I need to be better, not just for the baby but for myself as well.  That is probably the one thing I’m looking forward to most about the new year, besides the baby is staying home and being able to cook and make meals for us.  I know they will be healthier options than what we have now.  Thankfully I pushed Brian for a physical recently (mostly to save money on our health insurance), but at our ages, it’s good to do anyway.  And while is cholesterol numbers weren’t too horrible, they could be better.  His BP is what concerns me most and I know a large part of that is due to smoking.  So hopefully with baby coming he will make a better concentrated effort to quit.  I told him back at the positive pregnancy test he had nine months.  Let’s see if he’s serious.

Then this week, had another NST on Monday – which I promptly forgot about, until an hour later (whoops!) and they were able to still get me in, so that one again, good.  And since the office is closed for the holiday (thurs and fri), I have to have the next NST at St. Anns.  Normally I would go to the MFM (maternal fetal medicine = high risk) clinic, but they are booked pretty solid, so I actually have to go to labor and delivery.  So I’ll actually get to see the birthing rooms before our hospital tour, which is next week (7th).  I was told to call ahead though to make sure they have a bed available and aren’t all booked.  The appointment is at 2PM which is a little annoying because it’s right in the middle of they day and quite frankly normal day off naptime.  Oh well, I’ll manage.

And did you think I was done with appointments, oh nooooo…..  On Tuesday, I had the 2nd and final Fetal Echo – which is a highly detailed ultrasound of baby’s heart.  This is at children’s hospital.  It was ok overall, but a little bit of depressing news.  First, I had one of these scans several weeks back and it wasn’t entirely conclusive about a possible problem – Aortic Coarctation (which is on wikipedia, but the dr.s description was much easier to understand).  So, not a big deal at this point, nothing to fret over, until I got the bill.  YES I have insurance and they paid 80% of it, but my portion was still a lot.  Especially considering I KNEW I would have to have another.  I was unsettled.  But it’s what I have to do, so I go again and don’t cancel (I really wanted to) and guess what, still inconclusive, no answers, positive or negative and another HUGE bill on the way for me.  Just is infuriating really. 

Anyway, the gist of the potential problem is this, in diabetic moms, babies can have heart issues, where the RIGHT side of the heart in enlarged, which causes the left side to have to work harder and can also cause a narrowing of the aorta (which is on the left side).  Again, this causes stress on the heart and can cause downstream problems if not caught or fixed.  Basically if we didn’t know and left the hospital, baby could get very sick in a few days of being home.  Since we have no answers now, what they will do is give him an ultrasound before we leave the hospital, if the problem is present, he would get transferred down to children’s hospital to have the surgery to widen the aortic valve and I’m not sure about anything after that as far as recovery and going home, etc.  But I’m hopeful the problem won’t be present at all.  And we can just have baby, come home and be happy.

There are a couple of reasons the scan can’t really tell at this point, mostly because of baby’s position.  He’s definitely head down, maybe not quite vertical I think he is slightly diagonal, but they just couldn’t get a great position to look at what would be the back side of the heart to see the Aorta part that they need to see.  Again, I’m not worried yet about what is going to happen, cause I know we will deal with it as it comes along, I’m just stressed about money right now because, well considering how much the scan at children’s was, I can’t imagine how much OPEN HEART SURGERY will be.  Good grief.  Best not to think of it at all and again, we will just hope for the very very best outcome.

SO that now brings an end to the appointments the last 2 weeks.  And… also I do have the NSTs, twice a week every week until he arrives, so I’ll be on the go a bunch. Luckily work isn’t too high pressure right now, but I can see us getting much busier as the training for the new people wraps up and their GO LIVE date is 12/16.  So it should be a very interesting December.

In better news, I finally bought a couch!  Of course that didn’t go off without its own problems, but nothing to earth shattering and hopefully the company will honor their commitment and I will get it on time (basically before baby).  Again, a huge outpouring of money, but we’ve needed this for years and I’ve put it off for far too long.

And since it’s thanksgiving week, let me say a few things about that.  I’m thankful for still having my job although I won’t for much longer, it’s afforded me things like paying all these medical bills on time and buying the new couch and getting prepped for baby.  Also for the very generous friends and family that have surrounded me with gifts either new, handmade or hand-me-downs.  I would definitely be so much worse off if I had to do all this myself.  I am so grateful to all these people – just amazed all the time.  And hopefully when the decisions comes to either have another child or just stop with the one we are getting, I can find a great place to donate back all the generosity I’ve received.  I would love to be able to help others with all these wonderful things they may be gently used.  I’d hate to give to good will where someone else would have to buy it, but if I could find a family in need that can take these things or families, that would make me feel much better.  Again, have a while to sort that out.  But again, grateful for family and friend and my husband, who is a pretty great guy.  I do complain about him a lot but at heart I couldn’t have a better person.  He does have his issues (most people do) and most stuff I can live with but at the core, he is very caring and generous and puts up with most of my BS (I’m quite demanding you know) and for that I am very thankful.  I know we will have arguments to come on how to raise this child and about money and all things that go with living together… but we’ll continue to grow and learn and make it work cause that is what we do.

Not every day can be a good day… but I think there is a little good in at least every day.  I hope to really focus and remember those good moments and be able to share them.  Case in point, yesterday (thanksgiving), we had our annual dinner at Scot and Joe’s place.  I asked Scot to make the Turkey this year because a. it’s hard work and b. I didn’t think I’d have the energy to pull it off.  And boy was I right.  I only made a few sides and was purely exhausted by it and I did some stuff on Wed night.  Anyway, it was a great feast enjoyed by everyone.

So I guess next up is Christmas which hopefully will be a low key affair.  My moving around with this extra belly has been fairly slow and with the rate this child is now growing I can only anticipate it being worse and more uncomfortable.  Hopefully I’m over exaggerating and it won’t be too bad, right?!  HA! 

So just under 6 weeks to go… can’t wait to meet my baby boy!

Pregnancy : Run of the mill update

So I’ve neglected writing in the blog for some time again.  For no good reason except that I’m a little lazy.  Things have been busy now and again, but not too bad all the way around.

A few weeks ago at work, they had a shower for me.  i received some great goodies and several gift cards.  We had really good cake and punch.  Fun time over all.  Then this past weekend, my sister and cousin threw my friends/family baby shower.  We had a really great turn out, with good snacks and food and of course the gifts.  Good lord, I am always awed at how thoughtful all the people in my life are.  It just overwhelms me.  My little one will be well blanketed and clothed!  I receive some nice fleecy sleepers and plenty of onesies.  Some cute socks.  Several awesome hand knits!!!  Also sheets for the crib and the pack n play.  The pack N play should be arriving soon.  Waiting on mom to order it.  She also got me a diaper bag and filled it with lots of goodies, too.  Thought that was a terrific idea.  Got the glider I REALLY wanted, I can’t wait until Brian puts it together and I get to sit in it.  Brian’s brother and his wife got us the stroller/car seat combo and I absolutely LOVE it.  Haven’t installed the seat just yet, but with some nicer temps coming up, I may do that by end of the week.  Would hate to mess with it in the finger numbing cold!

My sister was a busy bee making stuff.  She said she started when I first told her I was pregnant.  One of my favorite little sets that I know she’s made for others, she did make so I was excited for that.  It’s a sweater, hat, mitts, and socks set.  Very simple, yet classic pieces.  She also made a sleep sack with little owls that I really wanted too, so that was really awesome.

I’ve made a couple of items myself.  I have a BSJ I made right after finding out.  Then recently I’ve worked up 2 small hats and am working on a matching set up pants.  Have the front of the pants done, just need to make the back.  If I have enough yarn left I want to make the matching booties, too.  I won’t have enough yarn for the sweater, but I can probably make it in a different yarn.  Of course I have various afghans in progress, I had planned on finishing something before this child came, but I definitely don’t think that will be happening.  I wanted to make a quilt too, but haven’t found THE design just yet.  I made go simple and just do charm squares or something.  We shall see.

Other than that, I’m piling up the bills with all these tests and ultrasounds that need done.  So far everything does look pretty good.  We saw a cardiologist at Children’s hospital a few weeks ago.  There’s a small chance of a heart issue very common with Diabetic moms.  Of course it wasn’t totally conclusive so I have to go back in two weeks to have another scan done.  Next week, I’m stacked with appointments, Tuesday, I have another ultrasound to check baby’s growth as well as my first non-stress test.  Then Wednesday I will meet our future pediatrician and Thursday is my regular prenatal and 2nd non-stress test.  From there on out Dr. Arora wants me to have the NSTs done twice a week.  Plus I will have at least one more ultrasound, probably mid to late December.

Dr. A and I also talked about the possibility of moving the delivery up to the end of December as well.  He bumped me up two weeks initially so my new due date is 1/6.  But I’ll be 37 weeks on 12/30, so I’m hoping baby will be ready and we can go that week.  I hate to do it between the holidays, but with all the meds and such it will be such a HUGE money saver.  Plus I’ll be done working after my maternity leave, so money will definitely be tight.  It’ll all work out as it should but those are my hopes.

Plus I’m just so excited to see this crazy little bouncing, kicking active boy that’s been in my belly.  I still haven’t settled on a name either, but it will hit me, probably when I see him.  For now, he’s just baby tut.

I have plenty of pics from the shower, but those will have to wait for another time!

10 Favorite Albums of all time

To qualify for this list, these cannot be live or greatest hits compilations. The only comps are soundtracks.

The following albums have either changed my life in someway or just make the list because no matter HOW many times I listen, I never get tired of them and can actually repeat them for hours!
1. Escape by Journey
2. Division Bell – Pink Floyd
3. So – Peter Gabriel
4. Rotting Pinata – Sponge
5. Singles – Soundtrack
6. Sigh No More – Mumford and Sons
7. Some Nights – FUN
8. Say Anything – Soundtrack
9. Body Talk – Robyn
10. Hot Fuss – The Killers

Pregnancy – It’s a BOY!


We found out several weeks ago that our baby is a BOY.  Something I had felt from the beginning for some odd reason.  Anyway, now i can continue to plan what type of quilt to make and perhaps more knitting items that aren’t in pretty girl colors.  I’m definitely excited to meet this little person.

Our appointments have been going pretty well.  I had an “anatomy scan” a few weeks ago at MFM (high risk clinic) where they took measurements of lots of parts and looked inside to see his internal organs.  Everything looked to be ok.  He was measuring a little big at that point.  Because he was lying transverse (horizontal with his belly down), I had to go back again to get additional measurements.  They made a few 3D images like the one above.  Today he measured to be 1lb 5 oz. and is in the 55th percentile.

In another 2 weeks I’ll go in for a fetal echo (at children’s hospital).  This is to ensure there are no problems with the heart.  A few weeks after that I’ll go in for a growth scan (at MFM).  Again to see how big the baby is.  That should be around 28 weeks.

In speaking with Dr. Arora last week at my normal prenatal visit, we talked about WHEN I would be delivering and he thinks around 38 weeks, so hopefully on/around 1/6/14, the little mister will be here.  And that is only 15 weeks away.  January seems kind of far off, but 15 weeks SOUNDS like it’s right around the corner.

Have a ton to do around the house still.  Hopefully I’ll begin feeling a little more motivated to do so.  In any case other than feeling nauseated about some foods (even thinking of them).  I’ve been feeling ok.  A little stiff and sore in spots and still not sleeping entirely well, but over all, not as bad as I’ve heard others.

Quilting : Blocks of the month and update

SO I got painfully behind on my block of the month progress.  I have 4 different BOM projects going.  All fairly easy except, I just haven’t dedicated the time to sewing.  Last couple of weeks, I’ve been trying to rectify that, so I have made some progress finally.  I started off with the buck a block BOM (which is turquoise, cream and green), the craftsy BOM and finally the Red Soiree (from Red Rooster quilts).  The red soiree is all these different red and cream print fabrics and I just fell in love with it.  It comes in 2 color choices, red and blue.  I had a hard time at first until I went to the shop and saw the completed red quilt and my choice was made.

Anyway, I messed up the first 2 blocks.  The first block because I cut things incorrectly and the 2nd block, pieces were cut correctly however, when I started sewing them, I messed up.  So basically fail.  I set it off to the side and continued on with other things.  I finished 2 months of the buck a block.

Then I decided, why not do the blue quilt too.  So in month 5, I went back to Red Rooster and signed up for block 5 and was able to pick up those 6 blocks at once.  I have now completed Blue 1 and Blue 2.  Also, Red 3 and another buck a block.

So, slowly I’m making progress.  Perhaps tomorrow, I can do a couple more of the blocks.  Pics are below.





Pregnancy : Week 8 (ish)

So far so good.  Still no nausea, morning sickness, etc.  Been feeling pretty good emotionally and physically ok, except for a few aches and maybe “growing” pains?  I think some of my ab muscles are stretching or something… I’m not getting big at this point, but I think things are definitely shifting about to make some room.  Sometimes it doesn’t seem really real that I am actually pregnant because I don’t have all those common symptons.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful… but at this stage, a little reassurance would be nice.  Cause I just don’t FEEL pregnant.  I know in the months to come that will all change… and I’m sure I’ll be laughing that I even had these thoughts and wrote this down.

Baby is the size of a raspberry or grape depending on what website you are on.  It’s funny, they continue to compare it to fruit, which I guess gives a good image of the size.  I find it so amazing that it’s so little for so long… then all of a sudden… it’s a baby… like a big one!  Well hopefully not too big. 🙂

I met my new doctor this week and I LOVE him.  He’s very kind and a little silly.  But even with the silliness he’s very serious and caring and wants the very best for my health and babys.  I’m glad I was referred to him and I think we’ll have a successful partnership.  I will see Dr. Lang on the side though too and they will work together regarding all my risk factors.

I will have an ultrasound to check baby’s progress at week 10 (7/2).  Around then, they may do the blood test for Down’s Syndrome.  Dr. Arora asked me how I felt about it and quite honestly, I don’t care.  I know it takes a little more to raise a special needs child, but would I love it any less?  I can’t imagine doing so.  So I’ll have the blood test, but I am refusing the amnio test.  I’ll take my chances at that point.  It’s nice to be prepared, I guess, but I’ll do whatever it takes in the end.  Kind of feel the same about the cystic fibrosis test.

Anyway… no new pics or anything fun to share.  My mind has been racing with all kinds of baby projects… I feel like I have castonitis all of a sudden.  I want to KNIT. ALL. THE. BLANKETS!

I also need to plan a quilt to be sewn as well.  Speaking of quilting, I’m way behind of my blocks of the months… so very soon I need to catch up on those too!  Oh and another trip to Grand Rapids is planned in 2 weeks.  It will be nice to see the city out from under a blanket of snow!


So I’m pregnant.  I’ve tried to inform most everyone by now… close friends and family.  IF you are someone that reads this blog and I didn’t tell you personally, my apologies it’s possible we’ve missed meeting up or talking recently. 

Life has literally been a whirlwind.  It all started May 18th.  I came home from a night out with friends and noticed a few things.  I had waited all week to start my period and it never came.  All of a sudden, I just knew I was pregnant.  Brian came home after being at Rock on the Range and I told him my suspicions.  He immediately went out after midnight to get a pregnancy test.  I took it and passed, so it seems.

To say I was shocked was quite an understatement.  I was immediately excited and scared shitless.  I thought of all the potential problems, my weight, my age, my health issues and a previous miscarriage.  I thought about the house and how many changes we need to make, about my uncertain future with Abbott… and just everything all at once.  I think I may have only slept about an hour that night.

I finally was able to push it all away and just thought to try and be patient.  Yeah, that didn’t really work.  Monday morning, I was on the phone as soon as the doctor’s office opened and tried to schedule a prenatal appointment. The couldn’t get me in for about 2 weeks.  I then called my PCP and they were able to get me in same day.  I wanted to make sure of what medications I should continue on.  So of the 4 I am supposed to take, I had to discontinue using 3 of those.

In the meantime, my doctor referred me to a Diabetes Educator and I met with her on Friday the 24th.  She wanted me to track my sugars for a week and send them to her.  I did so and on 5/31 – she was concerned and sent them to a high risk doctor and he wanted me admitted.  So I went to live at the hospital for a few days. 

They did many, many, many finger pokes to check my sugars and started me on insulin.  I had an ultrasound, which I couldn’t really see and we got a little photo of a blurry blob.  My ongoing therapy is to inject insulin 4 times a day for now.  Two different ones at breakfast, one at dinner and another at bedtime.  I also have to test of course and keep track of that info and send to the doctor on a weekly basis.

Today I went to my original OB/GYN for my first official prenatal appointment.  I got a new ultrasound that was definitely clearer.  Because of a monitor mounted on the wall, I could see all the stuff on the ultrasound which was nice.  I could see and hear the heartbeat.  I also saw my ovaries. 

So, this is the beginning of my journey.  I’ll probably update frequently with information about what is going on with me.ImageThe test

ImageFirst US from HospImageThe first US pic from todayImage2nd pic of US, showing a magnified view.ImageNotes from the US gal.

2013 Goals – And the sweater begins

As I planned for the year I really wanted to have some completed garments this year, specifically sweaters.  I had a list of items I’ve been wanting to make – the first pattern is called Shift of Focus.  It’s sort of a swing style/cardigan sort of sweater.  It has really interesting shaping which is part of the reason I liked it so much.

In order to make this sweater, I needed a pretty sport yarn.  I ordered Blue Moon Fiber’s BFL Sport in “In the Navy” color way which is a pretty kettle dyed looking blue.  All that background aside, I finally started the sweater today.  The sweater is all garter stitch with lots of short rows for the interesting shaping.  It’s going along well and my plan is to try and do as much as I can in the next 3-4 week so to see if I can finish by my birthday – this is a stretch goal, but if I can figure out how much knitting I need per day perhaps I can make it.  Pictures to come later!

2013 – Goals – Completed Tote

So part of my goals for 2013 is to make more accessory bags, totes, etc.  I will try to do at least one per month as I set aside time to sew and work on quilt blocks.  I have a ton of excess fabric that was given to me by another friend and I would like to use as much of that up as I can.  It’ll be awhile, but today, I have completed my first bag.  It’s reversible with a pocket on the “inside.”
