Pregnancy : Week 8 (ish)

So far so good.  Still no nausea, morning sickness, etc.  Been feeling pretty good emotionally and physically ok, except for a few aches and maybe “growing” pains?  I think some of my ab muscles are stretching or something… I’m not getting big at this point, but I think things are definitely shifting about to make some room.  Sometimes it doesn’t seem really real that I am actually pregnant because I don’t have all those common symptons.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m thankful… but at this stage, a little reassurance would be nice.  Cause I just don’t FEEL pregnant.  I know in the months to come that will all change… and I’m sure I’ll be laughing that I even had these thoughts and wrote this down.

Baby is the size of a raspberry or grape depending on what website you are on.  It’s funny, they continue to compare it to fruit, which I guess gives a good image of the size.  I find it so amazing that it’s so little for so long… then all of a sudden… it’s a baby… like a big one!  Well hopefully not too big. 🙂

I met my new doctor this week and I LOVE him.  He’s very kind and a little silly.  But even with the silliness he’s very serious and caring and wants the very best for my health and babys.  I’m glad I was referred to him and I think we’ll have a successful partnership.  I will see Dr. Lang on the side though too and they will work together regarding all my risk factors.

I will have an ultrasound to check baby’s progress at week 10 (7/2).  Around then, they may do the blood test for Down’s Syndrome.  Dr. Arora asked me how I felt about it and quite honestly, I don’t care.  I know it takes a little more to raise a special needs child, but would I love it any less?  I can’t imagine doing so.  So I’ll have the blood test, but I am refusing the amnio test.  I’ll take my chances at that point.  It’s nice to be prepared, I guess, but I’ll do whatever it takes in the end.  Kind of feel the same about the cystic fibrosis test.

Anyway… no new pics or anything fun to share.  My mind has been racing with all kinds of baby projects… I feel like I have castonitis all of a sudden.  I want to KNIT. ALL. THE. BLANKETS!

I also need to plan a quilt to be sewn as well.  Speaking of quilting, I’m way behind of my blocks of the months… so very soon I need to catch up on those too!  Oh and another trip to Grand Rapids is planned in 2 weeks.  It will be nice to see the city out from under a blanket of snow!

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